Living the Dream, Vivere il sogno

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Pets

This is my duck her name is Wobblelina.

I have one duck " Wobblelina" two geese their names are "Goosaloosa" and " Mygoosa" also I have one chicken named "Hally". When we first got them we had 60 chickens, 2 geese, and 5 ducks! I'm glad we still have 4! Now I'm going to show you a picture of my two geese!

These are my two geese! All my pets are birds.

Before I had the birds I had a dog and a fish. My parents had a dog before I was born. The name was"Bandit". But he died. Then when I was born they had 2 more dogs "Rowdy" and "Zeus".

This over here is my chicken! All my birds are girls!Also they are all 2 years old! Bye!


  1. Thank you so much it takes long but it all works out!

  2. you should sign up as a follower!

  3. if it gives you a hard time and doesn't show your picture just stop following my site and try againg!
    That happened to me once and my friend!
